Thursday, June 25, 2009

WEG In Support Of The Ontario Power Authority’s Call For Energy Curtailment

Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) will reduce energy consumption at its Woodbine and Mohawk facilities between 2:15 pm and 6:15 pm today as part of the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) Demand Response Program (DR3). The recent hot temperatures and humid conditions put tremendous pressure on the Province’s electricity grid. An overly stressed electrical grid can result in “brown-outs” or in worse case situations, “black-outs”. As well, it prevents the need for importing expensive power from the U.S. to keep up with the demand, or the need to use coal powered plants to produce more electricity.

As a preventive measure, the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) created its Demand Response Program. This is a contractual peak load shedding agreement between the OPA and energy aggregators like Direct Energy with the objective of reducing electricity usage when Ontario’s electricity grid is overly stressed. Businesses are compensated in two ways: for being on standby to shed power during selected hours and for reducing their power consumption when asked.

Direct Energy, in partnership with its clients, including WEG, have committed to reducing electrical demand by 25MW when requested by the OPA. This is enough power to ensure that 10,000 homes will have a consistent electricity supply.

WEG’s curtailment strategy will be initiated through Woodbine’s Building Automation System (BAS) and manually at Mohawk. “The use of automation allows for a smooth and controlled transition from normal operations to a more efficient mode, which can only be sustained for brief periods of time.” states John Marhong, WEG’s Director of Infastructure and Energy Efficiencies.

In addition to increasing equipment set points, shutting down non-critical equipment and cycling some units on/off, employees are asked to do their part by turning off any unnecessary lights, equipment etc. in their work areas during this time.

For more information contact

John Marhong
Director of Infastructure and
Energy Efficiencies
416 675 3993 ext.2494

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What you need to know about recycling!

A question that is often asked: "What types of waste can be recycled and into what types of containers should they be deposited?" Based on WEG's current recycling program, the following should be used as a guideline. If you have any questions or require more detailed information, please post your questions or comments on this blog and I will respond in kind. Every bit that you do, no matter how small it is, goes a long way in saving our planet. With everyone's help, we will make WEG one of the "greenest and most sustainable companies" in the industry.



Copy Paper
Computer Paper
Carbonless Forms
Envelopes (not padded)
File folders (no metal)

Unacceptable (do not include in Paper totes)

Carbon Paper
Any Non-Paper Items



Plastic Bottles
PS 1- PS 6
Metal Tins
Food Prep Containers

Unacceptable (do not include in Beverage totes)

Paper / Styrofoam
Drinking glasses
Plates/ Mirror



Coffee Grinds /filter
Prepared Foods
Baked Goods
Paper Towels

Unacceptable (do not include in Organic totes)

Paper / Styrofoam
Drinking glasses
Plates/ Mirror
Cans/ Glass

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Turf Lounge Starts Organic Waste Recycling Program

On June 1, 2009 Turf Lounge in conjunction with Avison & Young Building Management starts it's organic kitchen waste recycling program. In 2008 Woodbine Entertainment diverted over 329 metric tonnes of organic kitchen waste from landfills through it's organic recycling program at Woodbine Racetrack. With the companies strong commitment to green initiatives, Food and Beverage operations is looking to expand it's kitchen organic program to all its facilities by the end of 2009.

Turf's recycling program is an important step towards achieving this goal due to the logistical challenges presented by being located in the core of the financial district. Woodbine is currently in discussion with Upack Recycling (Woodbine's principal partner in all its recycling initiatives) on rolling out an organic kitchen waste program for Mohawk Racetrack as the next key step to reducing organic waste being sent to landfills.