Saturday, December 12, 2009

Race track slows down power consumption in times of need

The following article appears in the December 11th National Post.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WEGZ Discontinues The Sale of Plastic Water Bottles

WEGZ Stadium Bar discontinued the sale of water in plastic bottles this year and estimates that as a result, over 12,500 plastic bottles will be removed from recycling bins and landfill. Not bad!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mohawk Racetrack To Begin Recycling Plastic Cups

Mohawk's Food and Beverage operation is now recycling the plastic cups used on the gaming floor. This will divert approximately 600,000 cups per year from the waste stream and out of landfill.

Congratulations to Mohawk's Food & Beverage team!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WEG Accepts RCO's Gold Facilities Award for 2009

Representatives from Woodbine Entertainment Group's Green Team were present at this year's Recycling Council of Ontario's Minimization Awards Gala to accept the Gold Facilities award for 2009.

The award recognizes businesses for their Stewardship in environmental sustainability.

Accepting from WEG: (L to R) David Brockie, John Marhong, Jane Holmes, Wendy Loiselle, James McNeely and Joseph Araujo.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WEG Employees Lend a Hand at Pearson Eco-Business Zone's - Fall Tree Planting Event

Over 75 employees from Lovat, Woodbine Entertainment Group, Semple Gooder, Tremco, Unisourc, Camfil Farr, Green Energy Technologies, Kuehne and Nagel, Worley Parsons, Chrysler Canada, Molson, Lowe Martin Group, Bayer Inc, and Canadian Tire, as well as citizens, were there to lend a hand in restoring Mimico Creek while learning about the importance of watershed restoration.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tree Planting Along Mimico Creek

Great big thanks to Horseplayer Interactive's Michael Eves, Glen Vales and Gurmeet Kajala who joined a spirited group of volunteers from the Partners in Project Green, at a tree planting event today.

Volunteers planted over 750 trees in the North Mimico Valley Park located at the corner of Disco Road and Carlingview Drive (directly across from Lovat).

The addition of these trees and shrubs is part of the Mimico Creek watershed restoration project lead by Chris Ricketts and his team from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

Thanks again Michael, Glen and Gurmeet for coming out today, representing Woodbine Entertainment Group and demonstrating your support of WEG's commitment to the Partners in Project Green.

Friday, October 23, 2009

WEG Turns Trash Into Gold

The Recycling Council of Ontario saluted Ontario's environmental stewards at its annual Ontario Waste Minimization Awards ceremony last evening.

In the Business category, Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) was awarded the Gold award in recognition for its excellence and commitment to a sustainable environment.

Accepting the award on behalf of WEG and representing its "Green Action Team" were Jane Holmes - VP of Corporate Affairs, John Marhong - Director of Infastructure & Energy Efficiencies, James McNeely - Director of Property Services, Joseph Araujo - Catering & Sales Director, David Brockie - Director of Purchasing and Wendy Loiselle - Corporate Communications were on hand to accept the award on behalf of WEG's Green Action Team.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Horseplayer Interactive Continues to Reduce Its Paper Consumption

Horseplayer Interactive auditors (Tito Adona and Shauna Simpson) have been looking for ways to reduce paper consumption in their operation. By making double side copies of their Daily Deposit,Withdrawal Summary Report and their Weekly TOA Report, they will save in excess of 12 to 15 thousand sheets of paper per year!

Congratulations to Tito and Shauna for leading the way!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Partners in Project Green - Fall Tree Planting

Join fellow businesses, their employees and families along the Mimico Creek for Partners in Project Green`s Fall Tree Planting Event.

This fun-filled event will give you the chance to lend a hand in restoring the Mimico Creek, while learning about the importance of watershed restoration in the company of other like-minded employees from the Pearson Eco-Business Zone.

The event will include:

Native tree and shrub planting along the Mimico Creek
Creek clean-up
BBQ and refreshments
Event details are as follows:

Date: Saturday, October 24th, 2009
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: North Mimico Valley Park (Disco Road and Carlingview Drive, Toronto – Park at Lovat located at 441 Carlingview Drive)
Cost: FREE

If you are interested in joining WEG's team of volunteers please contact Wendy Loiselle at 416 675 3993 ext.2377 or

Thursday, September 10, 2009



Please be advised that the Ontario Power Authority has issued another power curtailment for the Woodbine and Mohawk facilities for today, Thursday, September 10 between the hours of 1:15 pm and 5:15 pm.
It is very important that everyone does their part to reduce their energy consumption during these curtailment periods. WEG is under contact with the Ontario Power Authority to meet or exceed specific reduction commitments.
Employees can help by "turning off" all unnecessary lighting and equipment ie. task lighting over desks, desk lamps etc. during these hours.
If you have any questions or suggestions about energy conservation, please contact John Marhong at Woodbine, or David Fleming and/or Ron Aspden at Mohawk.
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WEG's Broadcasting Department Reducing Its Paper Consumption

WEG's Broadcasting department, in an effort to reduce paper, has restructured its attendance format. Previously, they were using approximately 91 sheets of paper/week, 364/month.
With the new format paper consumption is down to approximately 60 sheets/month. An 83% reduction.

Broadcasting's goal is to go completely paperless in the near future.



Please be advised that the Ontario Power Authority has issued a power curtailment today, Thursday, September 09 between the hours of 2:15 pm and 6:15 pm. for the Woodbine and Mohawk facilities.

It is very important that everyone does their part to reduce energy during these curtailment periods. WEG is under contact with the Ontario Power Authority to meet or exceed specific reduction commitments.

Employees can help by “turning off” all of unnecessary lighting and equipment ie. task lighting over desks, desk lamps etc. during these hours.

If you have any questions or suggestions about energy conservation, please contact John Marhong at Woodbine, or David Fleming and/or Ron Aspden at Mohawk.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

WEG Congratulates the GTAA's Partners In Project Green

The Mississauga News announced today that the organization that runs Pearson International Airport has been honoured for its efforts to make environmental sustainability a daily reality.
The Greater Toronto Airports Authority recently received Airports Council International-North America's Special/Innovative Projects award as part of the organization's 2009 Environmental Achievement Awards.
The honour recognizes the GTAA's Partners in Project Green and Pearson Eco-Business Zone program.
Partners in Project Green, launched in 2008, is a partnership between Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the GTAA that "seeks to deliver programming to help businesses reduce resource costs, uncover new business opportunities and address everyday operational challenges in a green and cost-effective manner."
The GTAA said Pearson's "eco-business zone" is home to more than 12,500 businesses and 355,000 employees in sectors related to transportation and logistics, automotive supply chain, food and beverage processing, as well as businesses directly related to the airport. The goal of the program is to allow the GTAA and other businesses an opportunity to implement projects and business initiatives that turn challenging environmental goals into practical and sustainable business opportunities.
In a release announcing the award, ACI-NA lauded the GTAA for "showing significant leadership in moving this project forward."
Pearson is the first airport to earn the award.
"We are extremely proud to receive this award from ACI-NA," said GTAA president and CEO Lloyd McCoomb. "So much work has gone into the development of this program, which is significant because it doesn't just focus on energy and waste management issues, as important as they are, but it also looks at green space improvements, employee health and productivity and, ultimately, green jobs."

WEG is Partners In Project Green's Founding Business Partner. For more information on this project go to

Friday, August 28, 2009

Woodbine Racetrack's Food Court Reducing Waste

In an effort to reduce waste effective August 27, Woodbine Racetrack's food court will stop providing the small paper side plate that is currently being served with the soups and Chilli's. These are the little plates that the soup and chilli containers get put on when given to customers.

The plate will still be available for other side dish's or if requested by the customer. This small change should result in both a reduction in waste and overall cost savings. Even though the paper plates are recyclable we know that most of them are currently ending up in the waste system.

Cost Savings
2008 we served a total of 54,404 soups and chili's. To date in 2009 we have served a total of 38,170 soups and chili's.

Based on rough estimates (about 10 % of the customers we serve may still like a plate) this change should result in a reduction of over 50,000 plates a year at a cost savings of $3,000.00 (based on 2008 figures).

Waste Reduction Numbers
Based on 2008 numbers

1000 Plate Case Weight of 21 pounds will reduce overall waste weight from this facility by 1,050 pounds.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WEG & The Regional Municipality of Halton Partner on Special Waste Drop-off Days

To make the recycling of household hazardous waste and electronic waste more convenient to residents, Halton Region is holding Special Waste Drop-off Days throughout the year.

On October 31st, Mohawk Racetrack, located at 9430 Guelph Line, Campbellville will host a Hazardous Household Waste Drop Off Day from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
  • Acceptable materials include: pesticides, paint, stains, motor oil, antifreeze, varsol, fuels, cleaners, pool chemicals, pharmaceuticals, propane tanks, household batteries, car batteries, and fluorescent tubes and bulbs.
  • Unacceptable materials include: needles, syringes and lancets, asbestos, commercial and industrial waste, PCBs, explosives, and ammunition.


  • Acceptable items include: computers, stereos, phones, TVs, VCRs, DVD players and computer monitors
  • Unacceptable materials include: metal and appliances, wooden console TVs, microwaves and scrap metal

Please note that Special Waste Drop-off Days are for Halton residents only. No commercial wastes are accepted.

Friday, August 14, 2009

WEG In Support Of The Ontario Power Authority’s Call For Energy Curtailment

Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) will reduce its energy consumption at its Woodbine and Mohawk facilities between 1:15 pm and 5:15 pm today as part of the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) Demand Response Program (DR3). The recent hot temperatures and humid conditions put tremendous pressure on the Province’s electricity grid. An overly stressed electrical grid can result in “brown-outs” or in worse case situations, “black-outs”. As well, it prevents the need for importing expensive power from the U.S. to keep up with the demand, or the need to use coal powered plants to produce more electricity.

As a preventive measure, the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) created its Demand Response Program. This is a contractual peak load shedding agreement between the OPA and energy aggregators like Direct Energy with the objective of reducing electricity usage when Ontario’s electricity grid is overly stressed. Businesses are compensated in two ways: for being on standby to shed power during selected hours and for reducing their power consumption when asked.

WEG’s curtailment strategy will be initiated through Woodbine’s Building Automation System (BAS) and manually at Mohawk. “The use of automation allows for a smooth and controlled transition from normal operations to a more efficient mode, which can only be sustained for brief periods of time.” states John Marhong, WEG’s Director of Infastructure and Energy Efficiencies.

In addition to increasing equipment set points, shutting down non-critical equipment and cycling some units on/off, employees are asked to do their part by turning off any unnecessary lights, equipment etc. in their work areas during this time.

Direct Energy, in partnership with its clients, including WEG, have committed to reducing electrical demand by 25MW when requested by the OPA. This is enough power to ensure that 10,000 homes will have a consistent electricity supply.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catering and Group Sales goes with 100% Recycle Paper Product!

As our current stock of meeting room pads was coming to and end, we decided that just replacing the par stock with a re-order wasn’t the best course of action. With that in mind we sourced through our current printing suppliers a 100% recycled paper product that could be used to produce our meeting rooms note pads. These pads are provided for customers to use and take notes while attending meetings at our venues. They also serve as a marketing tool for when people take them home or use them at the office. As of Friday, July 18 the new 100% recycled product has begun circulating through our meeting rooms.

In addition to the meeting room pads, we’ve also switched to a 100% recycled paper product for our new Catering and Group Sales letterhead. The new letterhead is just another step in the branding of Woodbine Entertainment Group's consolidated sales efforts for all our event venues. With the successful launch of our new group’s website in the fall of 2008 (, our current letterhead was providing conflicting brand messaging. We felt the time had come to complete the circle by moving to the new letterhead and doing so within an environmentally friendly manner. Even though we still have some of our old letterhead in stock it won’t be finding the recycle bin just yet as we intend to use up the old stock with in the office to run internal reports.

Joseph Araujo

Director, Catering Sales

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catering & Group Sales Set To Cut Printing and Paper Use

The Catering Sales Office is changing it’s practices in an effort to reduce printing and paper use by at least 50%.

As of July 8th the Catering Sales Department will stop carrying printed working copies of future Banquet Event Orders (BEO's) in our main event filling cabinet. With the number of revisions that are regularly made to upcoming BEO's, the practice has always been to print and reprint these changes multiple times in order to keep the working copy up to date, translating into a lot of waste. Although some of the paper is reused in the office as scrap paper and for printing internal reports, the amount being wasted is still rather high. Over the past couple of years the Catering Department has been working with IT to ensure that key operational departments such as Banquets, Kitchens and Accounting gained access to event information through our electronic uploading system and directly through Delphi (Catering Sales Inventory and Sales Software). With stream lining information being distributed, automating most of the distribution through the internal uploading system and providing access to Delphi the need to have hard copies is virtually become a thing of the past. Although we’ll continue to carry the current week’s distribution in a hard copy form as back up to avoid any issue in the event network problems occur, the amount of printing and paper used will be slashed substantially.

In addition to reducing the need to print BEO’s, Catering Sales will also stop printing copies of the client sign back (copy signed by client binding the BEO). Moving forward all sign backs received from the client for each BEO will be attached electronically to the booking through the system activities traces in Delphi. We started attaching electronic copies of invoices and letters a while back and we feel this is another step that needs to be taken in order to retain signed copies for the company’s protection while reducing the amount of printed material generated.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

WEG In Support Of The Ontario Power Authority’s Call For Energy Curtailment

Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) will reduce energy consumption at its Woodbine and Mohawk facilities between 2:15 pm and 6:15 pm today as part of the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) Demand Response Program (DR3). The recent hot temperatures and humid conditions put tremendous pressure on the Province’s electricity grid. An overly stressed electrical grid can result in “brown-outs” or in worse case situations, “black-outs”. As well, it prevents the need for importing expensive power from the U.S. to keep up with the demand, or the need to use coal powered plants to produce more electricity.

As a preventive measure, the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) created its Demand Response Program. This is a contractual peak load shedding agreement between the OPA and energy aggregators like Direct Energy with the objective of reducing electricity usage when Ontario’s electricity grid is overly stressed. Businesses are compensated in two ways: for being on standby to shed power during selected hours and for reducing their power consumption when asked.

Direct Energy, in partnership with its clients, including WEG, have committed to reducing electrical demand by 25MW when requested by the OPA. This is enough power to ensure that 10,000 homes will have a consistent electricity supply.

WEG’s curtailment strategy will be initiated through Woodbine’s Building Automation System (BAS) and manually at Mohawk. “The use of automation allows for a smooth and controlled transition from normal operations to a more efficient mode, which can only be sustained for brief periods of time.” states John Marhong, WEG’s Director of Infastructure and Energy Efficiencies.

In addition to increasing equipment set points, shutting down non-critical equipment and cycling some units on/off, employees are asked to do their part by turning off any unnecessary lights, equipment etc. in their work areas during this time.

For more information contact

John Marhong
Director of Infastructure and
Energy Efficiencies
416 675 3993 ext.2494

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What you need to know about recycling!

A question that is often asked: "What types of waste can be recycled and into what types of containers should they be deposited?" Based on WEG's current recycling program, the following should be used as a guideline. If you have any questions or require more detailed information, please post your questions or comments on this blog and I will respond in kind. Every bit that you do, no matter how small it is, goes a long way in saving our planet. With everyone's help, we will make WEG one of the "greenest and most sustainable companies" in the industry.



Copy Paper
Computer Paper
Carbonless Forms
Envelopes (not padded)
File folders (no metal)

Unacceptable (do not include in Paper totes)

Carbon Paper
Any Non-Paper Items



Plastic Bottles
PS 1- PS 6
Metal Tins
Food Prep Containers

Unacceptable (do not include in Beverage totes)

Paper / Styrofoam
Drinking glasses
Plates/ Mirror



Coffee Grinds /filter
Prepared Foods
Baked Goods
Paper Towels

Unacceptable (do not include in Organic totes)

Paper / Styrofoam
Drinking glasses
Plates/ Mirror
Cans/ Glass

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Turf Lounge Starts Organic Waste Recycling Program

On June 1, 2009 Turf Lounge in conjunction with Avison & Young Building Management starts it's organic kitchen waste recycling program. In 2008 Woodbine Entertainment diverted over 329 metric tonnes of organic kitchen waste from landfills through it's organic recycling program at Woodbine Racetrack. With the companies strong commitment to green initiatives, Food and Beverage operations is looking to expand it's kitchen organic program to all its facilities by the end of 2009.

Turf's recycling program is an important step towards achieving this goal due to the logistical challenges presented by being located in the core of the financial district. Woodbine is currently in discussion with Upack Recycling (Woodbine's principal partner in all its recycling initiatives) on rolling out an organic kitchen waste program for Mohawk Racetrack as the next key step to reducing organic waste being sent to landfills.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Food containers, recycable or not?

One of the most common questions asked; "Is it possible to recycle paper pizza trays, paper plates or similar products?"

Answer: "Yes. As long as the paper products, such as, paper pizza trays, paper plates, etc. are not contaminated with food waste or plastics, they can go in the recycle bin. For example, if the paper trays have mild oil stains then they are recyclable. However, If there are heavy oil deposits, food products like cheese, etc. stuck to the material or plastic stuck to it, then they go in the regular garbage. What the recyclers are looking for, are products that are as clean as possible. Too much food contamination not only degrades the material but it also attracts rats and other critters at the collection facilities.

There is a level of contamination that is acceptable, however, I have deliberately avoided attaching a percentage to that because what one individual perceives as 10% may be seen differently by another. The message to get out there is to try and have as clean a product as possible, that way the chances of contaminating an entire 7-ton bin of recycable material and have it re-routed to a landfill site, is minimal."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woodbine Adds A Kubota To Its Fleet

Woodbine Racetrack Gets A Little Greener!

Kubota's heavy-duty, high performance utility vehicle has joined Woodbine Entertainment Group's (WEG) fleet inventory. Security Officers at Woodbine will soon be seen patrolling the backstretch in this compact, efficient and technologically advanced vehicle.

Providing all the durability to tackle the toughest tasks on a variety of terraine but using 50% less fuel. This is one more example of WEG's commitment to reduce its carbon footprint.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mohawk Employees Support Nassagaweya's Local Clean Up

A team of enthusiastic employees from Mohawk pulled on their rubber boots and helped out with this year's Nassagaweya Community Clean Up on April 25th. Each year organizers from the Nassagaweya Community Consultation Committee pick up garbage along the rural roads around Brookville, Moffatt and Campbellville.

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the clean up which has made significant impact on the park, the village and the community of Campbellville.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Woodbine's Green Direction

When I began at Woodbine close to three months ago I was surprised the company actually practiced what the preached. Many companies position themselves as "green", but the staff don't actually follow the corporate vision.

The administrative and staff offices use actual china coffee mugs, glasses for water from a dispenser, and recycling for many products. Light switches have been installed in most offices that turn the lights off if they have not detected movement within a period of 30 minutes. And staff select task lighting at their desks rather than massive overhead florescent lights.

Woodbine certainly takes "green" to the next level.